A Unique Platform for 100% Natural and Eco-Friendly Products Created in Latvia

A Unique Platform for 100% Natural and Eco-Friendly Products Created in Latvia


In 2020, the family-owned company NATURETTY began its operations in Latvia. With a focus on introducing eco-friendly products into daily life, the company has created a platform offering 100% natural cosmetics, body care products, eco and zero waste items, as well as sustainable products for the home and the entire family.

How Did the Idea for a 100% Natural Product Platform Begin?

The story of NATURETTY started on a rural estate in the Vidzeme region. Founders Jurģis and Ina developed a deep appreciation for the miraculous value and power of nature from a young age. As their interest in natural cosmetics grew, Jurģis and Ina began experimenting with natural plants to create body products for inner and outer well-being. Over time, they became interested in where to find 100% natural products to incorporate them more joyfully into their daily lives. They realized that eco-labels do not always guarantee that products are completely natural. Jurģis and Ina discovered that many popular eco and bio brands still included synthetic substances in their products, which are not 100% natural, and that people often do not fully understand the ingredients listed on product labels. They wanted to create a place where people could save time and access the best that nature has to offer—100% natural and pure products. By exploring many natural brand creators and testing their products in daily life, they established successful collaborations. This led to the creation of the platform naturetty.com, which is founded on the core values of PEOPLE, NATURE, HONESTY, and CARE.

The Founders’ Thoughts on Choosing Natural and Eco-Friendly Products

The founders of the brand say: “Our body truly is our temple, our system. People often do not realize that using body care products full of synthetic compounds every day will eventually have consequences. What we eat, what we think, what we feel, and how we live—there is also a risk of saturating ourselves with toxic and chemical substances in these areas. The best way we can help ourselves and others is by showing that it is possible to choose a better and healthier life.”

What Products Can You Find at NATURETTY?

The company collaborates with brands that produce only 100% natural cosmetics, as well as eco-friendly and zero waste products. Identifying and engaging such brands is a time-consuming process. It involves examining ingredients, their sources, packaging, and other nuances. Each collaboration is unique and professional, aiming to achieve the best possible results together.

NATURETTY’s future goals are related to new collaborations, successful business development, and expanding the range of products offered. Plans include various nature events in the Vidzeme countryside, where clients and partners can enjoy nature in all its splendor. With new collaborations, NATURETTY’s product range will also grow. The company believes that over time, it will offer more than 100 different products for personal well-being and beauty. The founders are confident that NATURETTY will make the world cleaner, healthier, and happier in the long term.

NATURETTY is a family business offering 100% natural products—body and face cosmetics, sustainable home products, and zero waste items from various brands both in Latvia and beyond.

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